Your Counselor Can Save You Money!

Your local guidance counselor will find to be an excellent complement to the resources that they already offer. With the results of this test, the wide range of career interest and college requirement resources available in the guidance office, and the services of a guidance counselor, you will be equipped to make a well-informed decision about future education and career plans. You can work with your counselor and still have the freedom to take the JVIS when you want and where you want. Once completed, detailed results are immediately available to you and your counselor.

Let a guidance counselor at your local secondary school know about this site. He or she can set up a counselor account and provide this service to other students as well as yourself. With our bulk purchase plan they can save you money, save you time, and you will be the envy of all your friends for finding such a useful career resource. Well, it will save you time and money…no guarantees with your friends, unless they are career counselors.